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21x30 cm | 8 ¼ x 11 ¾ in prints

Posters & Prints

In this category you'll find our large assortment of 8x12in (21x30cm) posters. Posters are a trendy way to decorate your walls, and here at Desenio you will find a wealth of posters to suit most homes. Our 8x12" / 21x30cm posters and prints can be matched together and even combined with other sizes to create a beautiful gallery wall.


Are you looking for posters in a particular size? Then you've come to the right place! We have assembled all of our 21x30cm / 8x12" posters here, with which you can elegantly adorn the walls of your home. Here at Desenio, you'll find posters and prints with myriad designs both in colour and black-and-white. All of our posters are high quality and perfectly express Scandinavian design.  Not sure how to combine your posters and prints? Have a peek in our inspiration rooms under the Inspiration category for tips on how to style your home!