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70x100 cm | 27 ½ x 39 ¼ in prints

Posters & Prints

Find our large wall art in size 27.6x39.4” (70x100cm) here. Decorating with large posters had never felt more on-trend than now! Our prints are based primarily on Scandinavian design, and our selection is constantly updated to offer stylish and high-quality posters.

Large wall art

Make a statement in your interior design with large wall art measuring 70 x 100 cm. Desenio offers a wide assortment of large posters and prints with various styles and designs. Our range is continuously updated to ensure we keep up with the latest interior design trends. In this category you’ll find all of our 70 x 100 posters in diverse art styles: graphic design, photo art, floral designs, typography posters, and plenty more in this large size.

A large poster that takes up a lot of space is perfect if you don’t really want an entire gallery wall, but still want to have art that stands out. Large wall art work equally well in smaller apartments that don’t have enough space for entire gallery walls, as they do in large rooms that may need to be filled with large artworks. A large poster sets the style for the decor of a whole room, and you can create a common theme for your interior style by choosing designs in the same colour scheme as other interior elements in the room.

Not sure what you're looking for or how to match large posters from our range? Check out our Inspiration page for tips on what to consider when composing a gallery wall, view our gallery wall templates for large wall art, and see how to combine them with posters in smaller sizes.